Favourite pastimes, hobbies and current affairs that I'd like to talk about. Technology enthusiasts are most welcome. Photographers.. can I tag along?

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

On our way back home.

Hari ni kita orang bergerak balik ke Shah Alam. Obviously we had a great time through out the vacation. Spending time at Suhaimi's place was also a memorable thingy. The dishes both Izzy and Suhaimi for us was the best. I think they only serve big 'king size' fishes in Sabah!

The time now is nearly 6pm (yeah our flight is half an hour late). Nak buat macam mana.. I guess in few minutes time we will be taking off to KLIA. Insyallah bila ada rezeki lebih nanti kita datang Sabah lagi. I was counting with Suhaimi and Shasha that we will be back to climb mount Kinabalu when Aiman turns 12 years old. I'll be 43 by then. Insyallah..

Tiba di KLIA jam 8.20pm. Aku memang dah tahap mengantuk tak boleh handle punya. Dalam kepala dah ingat katil kat rumah je. Tapi sebelum sampai kat baggage claim conveyour tu, both Aisya and Shasha nak beli sweets and specs. So layankan aje la.

Dah sampai kat luar, 2 minutes after that Yong pun sampai nak jemput kita org. Alhamdulillah we all reached home at about 9.30pm. Aku plan nak pegi jumpa my orthopedic tomorrow nak cek apa masalah tulang coccsyx aku ni. Tapi esok keje la pulak.. Hmm mana satu nak buat dulu ni?
Shamsul Fariz Ramli

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