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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Do I look good or what? :) Posted by Picasa


Fariz Ramli said...

Cakap pasal baby ni, I just got back from a little shopping work at Subang Parade. I dont know about you but we're kinda laid back and relax type of couple when it comes to preparing the baby's stuff.

So far, ada la sikit barang-barang baby tu. I think most of them are the essentials. Maybe later on (I dont know when exactly) we're gonna buy the rest. My best guess is during the 8th month of pregnancy la kot.

cysev3n said...

it's 7mths actually. Later than that your mrs dah tak berapa larat nak catch up with shopping ritual and such -)

Fariz Ramli said...

Actually you kinda right la hazel. During the last period of pregnancy, kita orang banyak lepak kat rumah. Anyways, baby Aisya dah selamat dah pun sekarang ni. Both mother and daughter sekarang ni ada kat rumah. I'm the only one who's still at the office. Kerja kerja kerja.. tak kaya kaya jugak.. sighh..