Favourite pastimes, hobbies and current affairs that I'd like to talk about. Technology enthusiasts are most welcome. Photographers.. can I tag along?

Friday, May 09, 2008

A day at Shah Alam Park..

There you go.. so suddenly I've broken my record of not posting an article once per year. ehehehe.. This picture was taken on 1 day out with my immediate family. Bawak my daughter jalan2 at the park. Wifey snapped this photo.. so saya 'abadikan' di sini lah.. =)

Another picture yang aku rasa priceless, even though aisya (my daughter) baru kena some serious scolding by her mother, she managed to kept it inside and not showing abit to others.. even though to the camera.. all i can say that she's as strong as the mother..

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